Hi, I’m Kim. Host of the Shift or Get Off the Pot Podcast!

My mission is to help you uncover your greatness, and realize just how much potential you have.

We all have beliefs and stories dictating our lives, some inspiring, some limiting. Which ones are running your life?

About 15 years ago, I was newly divorced and raising 4 children on my own. We had lost our business, my then ex-husband was out of work. In order to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table, I’d have to go back to work, the only issue, I had been a stay at home mom for 12 years. The demons of self-doubt started to take hold and my confidence in myself and my ability to trust were slowly crumbling. I had my own business before I started raising my family. But how would I start that again?  I certainly didn’t have time.

Self doubt is the silent killer of dreams. It’s the main obstacle blocking success. It leads to compromise, mediocrity, busy work, lack of clarity and a whole lot of frustration and angst. I let it take hold of me for a while, but frankly it was mentally draining.

Flash forward a few years and I built luxury event production company, created a content marketing company, written 2 books, contributed to 2 best sellers, spoken to companies nationwide and now host the podcast, Shift or Get Off the Pot

In my work with groups and women over the years, I’ve come to realize there several commonalities:

You have the ability to bring your dreams and aspirations to fruition.

What’s your dream?

What’s Your story?

You know far more than you give yourself credit for.

You have big goals but can’t seem to find the time to go after them.

Your life feels a bit like Groundhog Day.

You’re stuck on the rollercoaster of life’s demands and question if you’ll ever “make it”.

You know there’s more to life than the one your currently living.

Your Possibilities are Endless. Your Potential Unlimited.

Shift or Get Off the Pot Podcast

Shift your perspective, shift your mindset, tap your potential.

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